You’re one of the lucky few who gets to see me in lingerie. But I wish you could do more than just look at me through your screen. We could arrange a date together so that you could do so much more to me. I did not get this expansive kit just to show it off on the web. Initially, I got it to convince men to have sex with me. Unlike you guys, some are always on the fence about fucking with a lady with a penis and smaller titts. I am still growing them at a slower pace. So this bra and this string complemented with it’s set of suspenders are doing some magic. At least I hope.
Anyway, writing this makes me wonder why I am doing all those efforts to seduce men who are still unsure about fucking with a shemale. After all, I could have some awesome sex with you guys who are actively looking to do just that. Why am I still hunting those guys ? I am 27, I don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Well fuck it, I am publishing this post and will only have sex with real tranny aficionados from now on. Guys in the Boston area. I live in Needham, MA in Norfolk. Show me that I am right.
– Shannon
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