Anal stamina required for this shemale. Charleston, SC

Anal stamina required for this shemale. Charleston, SC

Hey there. You might be wondering why I am lying on the floor on that nude with cock so hard? It is impossible to tell from the picture, but I was in the middle of an intense sex night with a partner with endless stamina. Thank god for lube because I fucked that guy’s holes all night long ! And that’s how I like to do things. I can’t …

View profile of Crystal, 29 yo

Generous and joyful shemale offers her help. Meridian, ID

Generous and joyful shemale offers her help. Meridian, ID

Nothing like seeing me in my birthday suite to get to know me am I right ? See, I’ve got nothing to hide. My name is Shay, I live in Meridian Idaho and I am a 28 years old transgender woman MtF. I’ve been taking hormones for a decent amount of time and I am happy with the ongoing results. No, I should say that I am proud of the results! I used …

View profile of Shay, 28 yo

Casual and shy college t-girl dating in Houston, Texas

Casual and shy college t-girl dating in Houston, Texas

Sometimes, I wish I had the courage to go to college dressed like that. But no, my boobs are not big enough to pass. You, until my pair starts getting bigger, I’m kind of scared that people will guess that I am a transgender. That’s why I prefer to go to school dressed in baggy clothes. That sure does not help me with the boys …

View profile of Kelly, 21 yo

Imaginative tranny in Cleveland is good with her hands

Imaginative tranny in Cleveland is good with her hands

I had a shower thought the other day after removing this sexy custom g-string that I wore for that shot. I should start a side-line business and sell custom made lingerie accessories for trans women. Obviously, most lingerie are made for women with banal pussies. But there is a real lack of options for women with cocks that want to be sexy …

View profile of Etsa, 32 yo

T-gal going commando in Albuquerque, NM

T-gal going commando in Albuquerque, NM

If you’re like me, you enjoy taking risks in life, and even get a thrill out of it. You won’t have to look too far to know what kind of risk I am talking about. You’ve probably never tried it, but going commando under a summer dress is quite risky. Even more if you’ve got a decent sized dick like me. Everything becomes a risk source. From the …

View profile of Jill, 32 yo

Daddy’s t-girl is looking for a nice man in Oregon

Daddy’s t-girl is looking for a nice man in Oregon

Seeing my cute little panties with flowers patterns, it should not come as a surprise to you that I’ve always been daddy’s girl. Contrary to many trans, I’ve had a great childhood with kind understanding parents. To them, it was clear from the beginning that I was born a girl in a boy’s body with a penis. Hence, I had early access to all ….

View profile of Alexis, 26 yo

Bushy trans au natural in Bridgeport, CT

Bushy trans au natural in Bridgeport, CT

Is it just me, or do all the t-girls in here seem to be either hairless or think that men hate a nice bush ? As long as it is kept under control and clean, there is nothing wrong about a little pubic hair no ? I’ve been with many men and not once have I received a complaint. Especially after I’ve stuck my tasty dick in their mouth haha. Joke aside, nature gave me that bush and that cock and I intend to …

View profile of Gaia, 28 yo

Laidback and simple shemale dating in Seattle

Laidback and simple shemale dating in Seattle

Who’s that mysterious and shadowy tranny revealing her cock ripped to be sucked ? Well it is I, Anastasia! Hihi. I’m curious, why did you choose my profile ? Was is my intriguing eyes, my plump lips or my cute flaccid dick ? Or maybe all of the above ? Don’t worry there are no correct answer. After all, we’re all here to get laid …

View profile of Anastasia, 34 yo

Grab this hourglass t-body in Louiseville, KC

Grab this hourglass t-body in Louiseville, KC

I don’t want to brag, but aren’t my hips unreal ? I’m shaped like an hour glass. That’s a pretty rare feat for a shemale. Most of us normally have a tiny waist. Not me ! It’s almost as if those hips were molded specifically to be grabbed. I don’t need love handles, I’ve got my sexy and fit hips for you you to hold on to while you fuck …

View profile of Jax, 26 yo

Funny and joyful transgender in Atlanta, GA

Funny and joyful transgender in Atlanta, GA

Oops ! Naughty me. I’ve misplaced my wiener and forgot to tuck it in my big panties. Care to help me put it in its rightful place ? Oh, you mean that it should be slipped into your anus ? With pleasure honey. I think it would be a perfect fit. After all, I’m a tranny with a medium size cock. Which is perfect for your anus as …

View profile of Kandra, 25 yo

Sex cardio with this motivated trans woman. Fort Worth

Sex cardio with this motivated trans woman. Fort Worth

Hey there, I am Betty. Thank you for clicking on my picture despite my current shape. Taking this picture and posting it online was rather hard. You don’t have to tell me, I know I have neglected my diet and my gym time lately. And it shows with my small belly. At 27 years, I should be more in shape as the 30s are looming. But it is …

View profile of Betty, 27 yo

Uncut shemale is dating in Denver, CO

Uncut shemale is dating in Denver, CO

Hello ! see anything different about me ? Yes I am referring to my penis. The fact that I’ve got a dick is nothing special around this site. However, if you look closely, you’ll see that I am uncut ! I know that some people despise it, even consider it unclean (which is completely false), while others expressively look for it. Just take …

View profile of Theresa, 31 yo

Get cream pied by a sexy t-lady in Boston

Get cream pied by a sexy t-lady in Boston

There is something about lingerie that fills with an unsuspected confidence. Every time I put this fine sexy black kit, I feel more like a woman and less like a trans lady with a dick. I mean, I am proud of who I am, but I like to be feminine from time to time. Especially when I date or hook up men. Let’s be honest, most of you prefer lady like …

View profile of Annabelle, 25 yo

Fuck this tranny woman like a boat captain in San Diego

Fuck this tranny woman like a boat captain in San Diego

Hello captain! I am awaiting your mast inside my begging ass. Grab my ass like you would grab your boat’s helm. Hmm ! Steer me in every directions and do as you wish with me. Slap my ass gently and lick it if you want. If I may be so bold, could you also give my balls a good tongue treatment before moving over to my own lady cock. I’ve been craving …

View profile of Sally, 27 yo

Loca transexual wants to shake her hips in Miami FL

Loca transexual wants to shake her hips in Miami FL

Hola ! Latinas are often considered to be the hottest women on earth. Well I wish to add that T-Latinas are way hotter! We’ve got the great ass and the hard body, as well as a nice dark cock. And everybody knows that rhythm is in our blood, but also in our hips. Depending on what your prefer, I booty shake on your cock like you’ve never

View profile of Sofia, 29 yo
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