What do you think about my new bra? Would you believe me if I told you it’s actually my first fantasy bra? My other ones are not quite as nice, but I needed comfy ones after my operation. You probably guessed by now, I had a boob job lately. I could not wait for hormones to do their job, or settle for small shameful boobs. No, I prefer to have bigger and perfectly round titties. But now, when I put it on, I just can’t stand wearing plain and banal panties anymore haha. But that problem is easily solved by doing some simple shopping. My real problem revolves around men.
You see, I’ve been struggling for years to seduce men and more importantly to be confident enough to do so. That’s why I prefer to post here in order to talk with some men and learn some tricks and tips about dating and seducing. It’s not like I could ask advices to my family and friends about how a tranny should date man. Most of them have left me anyway, unable to accept my new identity. Most of them can’t even wrap their head around the fact that I want to be addressed as a woman now. But fuck them 🙂 Let’s talk over chat. Maybe we’ll even find out things could get serious between us.
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