I’ve taken care of creating an easy access for you. All you have to do now is to get your magnificent hard cock out of your pants and slide it deeply inside my welcoming ass. While you’re at it, please massage my balls. They look like they could use a gentle rub. Bet you’ll love the sensation of the pantyhose on your own ball sack as you fuck me. Hmmm. There’s something sensual and enticing about this fabric. It turns me on and hard in no time. I’ve made sure to keep the fabric intact in the front. That way, you’ll be able to witness my hard cock trapped inside its fabric cage.
My name is Monique, I’m 28, but I prefer not to show my face for now. Also, I’ve got a confession to make. I’m looking for a new lover near Chandler or Phoenix Arizona. But the thing is, this particular mate has to comply to one simple rule. If you want to be the chosen one, you’ll have to wear pantyhose yourself when you fuck me. I want to live the complete experience. If you’re too shy to go buy some, I’ll purchase them or simply give you some advices on which one to pick up on the Web. We could meet at my place or yours on a regular basis to succumb to my…our fantasy. I hope this works !
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