USA > Arkansas > Fort Smith

Hung exotic southern belle Fort Smith, AR

Hung exotic southern belle Fort Smith, AR

How y’all doing ? My name’s Claudia, I am a Latina, but I was born and raised down in Arkansas. That makes me a local and a proud southern girl. Or t-girl if you want to be exact. I’ve got the cute southern accent, and I can also speak Spanish thanks to heritage. This creates a sweet and spicy mix all jampacked in a cute and smiling transwoman of 27. I moved to Fort Smith in Sebastian County from Little Rock a while ago after college to start my new life. So far, I’ve lived a pretty free-spirited life here in Chaffe crossing. Some of the local ladies here would like me to get settled and mary. Even have kids. But you and I know it’s not happening with the machinery I’ve been given.

Speaking of that, take a look at my huge rod. You could catch a blue catfish with that thing. But I’ll stick with hooking up with horny and curious guys if you don’t mind. That’d be you I reckon. As the picture indicates, I am ready and able to be both a top and a bottom. Prtty skilfully too if I may say so myself. Just tell me whether you want the spicy or the sweet Claudia when we get together alright ?

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