Hey there. I can help you blow some steam and to relax. I a smoking hot tranny with just the right amount of sassiness. Even fully clothed, you can tell that I have got this naughty attitude. What you can’t tell however is that underneath this skirt and those pantyhose, I have a tucked she-dick waiting to be exposed and set free. Free to be blown and to have your attention ! Just like I could very well blow you in return. As you saw up there, I am from Hickory, North Carolina northwest of the greater Charlotte area. The name of my city which inspired me for my nickname. Call me Smokey ! I am a 28 YO blond shemale (for now, I like to mix things up), slim natural and with a good sense of humor.
I got great legs that end on my firm, yet soft and homey butt. Sorry for being such a tease and not showing you any of that stuff. I ain’t prude or shy, I am simply trying to prove myself that I can get fuck dates even without showing my goods. Something tells me that I should not be to worried lol. That said, I could send you some naked pictures if you were to send me some first. I get that not all of you could come to my for sex. Even if you’re probably tempted right now.
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