USA > Wisconsin > Wauwatosa

Heavy petting at the movies, shemale Wauwatosa, WI

Sissy mode at home and out in Burbank, CA

Hey you guys ! My name’s CandyWI. I was watching a movie the other night where the two actors went to the movies and started making out in the back of the theatre. That made me realize that I never experienced that ! I never had a groping and tongue exploring session when I was a teenager. My teen years were rather harsh and dull with my whole finding myself out phase. But now I know that I am a shemale and I fully embrace my feminine side. I am just 29 and I have got to make up for lost time.

Yup, I want to meet guys at the movies and have a fun time groping, touching, blowing, caressing and whatnot at the back of a cinema. We’d go to a movie that has been out for a while as to avoid being caught of course. You would not want to be seen with a woman’s dick in your hand or worse lol. I would qualify myself as a wild tranny so I’d have to keep it down. Otherwise we’d surely get taken out lol. I should be able to manage.

I love in the Milwaukee area in Wauwatosa, WI. There are a bunch of options in the area for us to go to. Let’s chat and come up with one and find a move to go see. I’ll meet you at the front in a long coat with this red lingerie underneath for easy access and my slutty blond hair.

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