Hmmmm. Hello you. Sadly, it’s not your cock I’ve got in my mouth. Contrary to some women who suck cock to satisfy their partner, I mostly do it to satisfy my needs. It’s only natural that a woman with a cock would be better at sucking another one. When you think about it, how could a cockless person know where to suck, apply pressure or kiss for optimal results? It’s the same thing about a men licking a pussy. If you’ve never had a tranny suck your dick and you live close to Seattle, why dont you ping me? We could meet in a quiet public spot for a quick blowjob. Rather I should say, the BEST blowjob of your life.
You should not have any problem locating me among the crowd with my blue hair and piercing eyes. Just get to me and call my by my nickname: Marina. After that, no need to talk or whatever, we’ll both know what we are here for. I just know you’ll want to exchange some pleasantries, but it’s not necessary at all. Oh and money won’t be necessary either. We will both exchanging pleasure after all.
So, come and talk to set up the meeting. And don’t forget, call my by my nickname: Marina.
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