Did you know that your next girlfriend has a dick ? She’s got long blond hair, favors red classy dress, has a tendency to get on her knees to please her man and happens to live in the greater Phoenix area. Oh would you look at that, I am describing a shemale just like me. I’m Cindy, a shemale of 31 living in Gilbert, AZ. I am indeed looking for a new boyfriend. I make is sound as if I was accumulating them lol. Which is not the case as I’m truly a loving and honest person. It just so happens that I’ve got a dick of my own and that I’d love to have a boyfriend to suck and fuck with.
And of course to spend good quality time and all that a relationship brings. But I really want to focus on the sex to begin with you know. It is the foundation to any relationship, that and trust as I insist on us on staying monogamous. I’ve tried the whole open relationship and being a mistress. Did not work for me. I need to have my man and I don’t do sharing. Besides sharing my cock with you of course. Let’s share some more infos you and I.
Click here to chat with Cindy