Oh I wish I had a magic wand and I could make my she-cock bigger. While some trans wished they had no dick at all, I wish just the opposite. That mine was bigger ! That I had a magic tranny wand haha. Does it bother you in any way ? I have still had a lot of hook ups in the past and so far men have always have loads of fun sucking on my itty-bitty dick. But forget about me fucking you. That’s out of the question anyway. I am a but a humble bottom. Not by choice, but by requirement. I can’t see how I could pleasure a man with suck a small dick.
Unless of course, through this dating site, I stumble upon a man who’s curious, or even into shemales with tiny dicks like mine. But, I can’t promise I’ll satisfy you, so be ready to breed me and cream in me. That’s a sure shot for both you and I. My name is Tiana, 23, I live in Lynchburg, Virginia. Chances are you have no clue, where that is at. Oh well, I am I used to it. But, maybe, just maybe this will be my lucky day ! If only I had a magic wand. Come help me out and fuck me out.
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