Hey hey ! Here are my tities. My pride and joy for which I could not be happier. Look at how they turned out. Simply perfect and magnificent. They were late to the party and required a little push from a surgeon, but they were worth the wait. I am 34 now and I can finally boast of my boobs. The name’s Christal. I am a black trans sister living on the west coast of Florida in Bradenton, Manatee County in the southern most point of the Bay area. But I ain’t just a convincing pair of boobs. I got a nice big black cock and an ass to make any grown man cry about.
You’ve got to believe me about those as I prefer to keep them a surprise for when we meet in person. No offense to my white friends, but I am partial to my brothers with big dicks. Unless you’ve got a BWC as well and the proof that goas along with it. Yo, my name’s Christal so I can play the diva if I want. Plus, I am the one with the boobs and the cock so I deserve to be picky. I’ll be hosting out affair too as I enjoy being comfy in my place, set the mood and prepare a small cocktail to loosen things up. Nothing better than a cocktail before going down on the real thing. Am I right ?
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