Hey guys ! Take a good long look at my huge cock. Make sure to imagine its weight, length and girth in your hand. Now, keep on concentrating, but now, try to imagine it in your mouth and how wide you might have to open it to suck it. Not so easy right ? I know I’ve been graced with a huge cock. It is both a blessing and a cursed. Especially since I’m a top. That means that I find most of my pleasure by drilling men’s ass. But you see where I am going with that. Most men get scared whenever they see my hung cock. They get cold feet, or rather cold anus ! Their sphincter literally contracts itself ruining any chances of anal activity.
Sure it’s fun to get a hand-job, but I need more. That’s why I am coming hard and direct with on my profile. Only contact me if you’re confident that your sphincter and your ass are comfortable welcoming my huge big white cock. My name is Janette and I am 33 years old. I live in living in Little Rock Arkansas, I am used to visiting surrounding cities in Texas, Missouri, Tennessee, etc. Even more in order to find suitable sexual partners for my particular condition. Let’s get in touch via message in order to exchange more infos xxx.
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